
What is UX strategy?

UX strategy is a plan of user experience goals aligned with the organization's business goals and objectives. UX strategy aims to build a successful roadmap for the enterprise product that combines business objectives and end-user needs.

Enterprise UX strategy

Mainly enterprise UX strategy focuses on current challenges for actual product users who already use the product. Hence, the strategy is to improve the existing user experience and help them to improve their productivity to achieve a business goal.

One unique point that enterprise UX strategy has is that it needs to consider both needs: users and stakeholders. Even though the end-users are the prime users of the product, stakeholders also expect to achieve specific business goals from the product. They need to address security issues and other complicated considerations, so it is crucial to understand both needs and requirements for a successful UX strategy.

Enterprise UX strategy will require a long-term process and multiple phases. Before designing the UX, defining the business goals, finding the challenge and pain points, and conducting user research will help to build a successful enterprise product roadmap.

How to Develop UX Strategy

Enterprise UX strategy should start by defining concrete business goals. And at the end of the phase, validating UX and review is necessary. Here is an enterprise UX strategy development process:

  1. Define business goals and objectives

Enterprise UX strategy starts from the current business situation. It requires business goals the company wants to achieve from the enterprise UX. Enterprise UX strategy also should be tailored by organization structure and business.

2. User research

During user research, the key is to define their daily use with the enterprise product and the common problems end-users face. It is important to remember that stakeholders are not the end-users. Researching user experience across the entire organization is essential to understand the business challenge and to define the UX goal through the UX strategy.

3. Implement and Validation

Once the user research is done, it is time to create a killer UX strategy. Based on user research and stakeholders' requests, the UX strategy should include the business mission, challenge, focus areas, KPIs, and Metrics. UX strategy should be validated across the entire team with feedback, which will help create better UX design. Also, UX strategy should have clear metrics on what to measure and what is the crucial indicator for UX improvement. This indicator can be aligned with the business goals that the organization wants to achieve.


Enterprise UX strategy is challenging for the UX team. Enterprise UX strategy should focus on the business objectives and understand the stakeholders' and end-users needs. It starts from understanding the organization's goal, what is to be expected, and how it impacts achieving business goals. The final UX strategy includes KPIs, metrics, and focus areas, and it should take a validation process throughout the entire organization.

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