Interactive product demos tell your product story with your product, not through your sales team. 43% of B2B buyers want a seller-free sales experience and want to explore the product(Gartner). So how to utilize interactive product demos as your PLG motion?
Product-led growth with Freemium or Free trial
Freemium and Free trials are ideal ways to onboard new prospects and turn them into your customers, giving a seamless buyer’s journey.
But those are not easy to build. Setting up the best product-led growth strategy through free trials or freemium takes a while.
First, you must check if you have enough internal resources to execute the PLG motion, such as the entire product team to build a freemium or free trial. Second, you need to understand there is a risk of the long cycle of turning freemium users into paid users. And your prospects may quickly lose their appetite if you don’t correctly drive them to the AHA moment with this buyer’s journey.
Third, if you are looking for a free trial model as your PLG strategy, you need to set up the strategy for user retention after the trial. Also, building a freemium or free trial is difficult if your product offers a complex and customized solution or platform.
This is how you can use an interactive product demo of your top of the funnel and the forefront of the buyer’s journey.
PLG motion with an interactive demo
If your organization is considering PLG (Product-led growth) motion, an interactive product demo is great to start. The purpose of PLG is to let your product talk to your prospects, showing features and leading them Aha moment. PLG requires a strategic plan and resources, and stakeholders should be familiar with PLG strategy. So, starting with embedding interactive demos on the website or interactive email demos might help you with how the product-led strategy brings value to your organization.
Advantages of Interactive Product Demos
Product demos can be used in presales and product marketing to boost your product-led growth strategy. When you think about the traditional SaaS sales process, it is already a painful process for prospects and sales reps.

Interactive product demos can reduce this unnecessary SaaS sales cycle. It helps you show your product and provide a user experience through the marketing channel.
Even before prospects sign up for your freemium or free trial, let them look around your product features and user interface.
Here are some advantages of interactive product demos.
- Drive the prospect to the ‘AHA’ moment quickly
- Remove the friction from the sales cycle.
- Optimize customer sign-up (acquisition) flow to your product
- Showcase your product features and increase the customer acquisition rate
- Understand user behavior with an interactive and self-service product demo
- Find the most qualified PQL (product qualified lead) through user behavior.
Types of interactive product demos
Depending on your product, you should consider the proper type of interactive product demos.
Building a product demo requires different steps such as scrips, storyboarding, UI element design, and determining the product feature you want to deliver through product demos.
Here are some different types of interactive demos you can consider for your PLG motion.
Product tour / Product walk-through
The purpose of a product tour is to showcase product features at the forefront of buyers' journeys. Product tours and product walk-throughs are also called self-service product demos and can be used for MQL (marketing qualified lead) by embedding a self-service product tour on the website. This type of product demo requires UI screen captures or high-resolution screen recording and overlay UI elements on top of screen capture.
Live sales demo environment
Compared with a product tour, a live sales demo environment requires a technical process. A live sales demo environment is commonly used for complex products or platform solutions. The sales engineering team gets a virtual sales demo environment and sets it up in the sandbox, and the sales team provides a demo to prospects. It provides POC (proof of concept) to the prospects with customized solutions. The biggest challenge for this sandbox demo is that it might crush while demoing your product. Also, before you set up the demo environment, you must ensure all the information and data are correct or secure.
Multi-device demo
Multi-device demo (only available at Tacpoint Product demo service) is a great format for complicated products that interact with two different devices, such as customer support or telehealth products that you need to show different device interfaces simultaneously. The most significant advantage of a multi-device demo is that you can demo your product with various devices and help the prospect understand the product features in each device.
Interactive presentation
An interactive presentation is a great demo format to show complex production processes. Live sales demos or product tours are great for explaining User Interface, but it is hard to show complex procedures such as fraud management or payment solutions with the complex story behind the scenes. It can help the prospects understand the animated complex features.
Tacpoint End-to-End service
Tacpoint, with 20+ years of digital product development experience, provides the best product demo design service. We specialize in custom multi-device demo services and help the product marketers, sales team, and customer success team deliver their product values more effectively with sleek UXUI design.