What will the next UXUI design trend be in 2023? 

Modern technology is continuously developing, and it expects to have better design technology. Digital users expect a better experience and humanized touch with the digital product. UXUI design is essential in digital products for usability and functionality. Especially in 2023, UXUI design should consider emotional and human-centered design principles for best practices. Let's dive deep into the following UXUI trends.

Top 5 UXUI trend in 2023

3D objects 

3D imaging and 3D object concepts have become common design concepts in UXUI design. Developers and designers adopt 3D element design from VR/AR technology, and we will see more 3D objects on digital products in 2023.

3D objects and graphics now expand to website design and micro-interaction on mobile. Key points of this trend are not just showing 3D objects; it reflects a more dynamic and colorful design that brings delight to the users. 3D imaging and 3D objects can bring powerful brand awareness and attention, which will play a key role in UXUI design and advanced user experience.

3D object credit

Motion Graphic 

Motion graphics is a trend that has been around for a while. Interactive content videos have become a popular type of marketing content, so marketers and designers will pay more attention to motion graphics and design. Animation on the web or mobile was challenging to display before because it caused delayed display time, but thanks to 5G high-speed bandwidth, designers are free to put more dynamic and high-quality motion designs in the digital world.

Motion graphic credit



No more boring scrolls on the website! Scrollytelling will be another trend for UXUI design, especially with parallel scroll. The critical strategy of scrollytelling is to show the web content with additional text and animation with the scroll function and put the content with the narrative story about the brand or product. Scrollytelling will help users engage your website or landing page more than traditional web pages. So, marketers and designers should adapt this design trend for more pleasing user experiences.

Scrolly telling credit

Emotional design 

UXUI design requires a human-centered design throughout the years. In 2023, users expect more connections between digital products and themselves. Displaying elements that stimulate personal feelings and reactions is the critical strategy for UXUI design. Emotional design helps to build a relationship between the product and users. Involving users to reach their goals with pop-up graphics and compliment badges with micro-copy can be great inspirational design examples. Designers should pay attention to users' reactions and emotions for each notification or micro-interaction, which helps to build customer loyalty.

Emotional design credit

Data storytelling 

Data, data, data. It has become the most critical information in the digital world. The product or marketing and sales teams take advantage of data to improve the user experience. They expect to see the data with context, not an overwhelming large data pool. UXUI design with displaying data would be challenging, especially in each industry, because of ​​data literacy. In 2023, designers should pay more attention to designing interactive dashboards and visualization of information with context and additional functionality.

Tacpoint dashboard design


In 2023, digital users expect a more sophisticated user experience. Thanks to advanced technology, designers have more flexibility in designing better digital experiences. In 2023, digital products and services should consider creating the UXUI with a narrative and friendly design for the best user experience.


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Top 5 UXUI Design Trend in 2023

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