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The Benefits of Usability Testing for the UX Team

Usability testing is to find friction or discover hidden opportunities to improve the user experience and function of the product.

The Ultimate Guide for User Journey Mapping

The most significant benefit of creating a user journey map is that it gives a better perspective of product user experience and allows UX design to strategically approach the points that require improvement.

The value of UX design

UX design is not just the aesthetic side; it has core business value and it requires a strategic way to make your digital product memorable and thrive in the competitive market. 

Enterprise UX strategy

Enterprise UX strategy should focus on the business objectives and understand the stakeholder's and end-users needs. It starts from understanding the organization's goal, what is to be expected, and how it impacts achieving business goals.

Enterprise UI Design: What Is It? And What Should Be Considered?

Enterprise UI design deals with complex systems and complicated multi-layers. It requires an understanding information architecture and dealing with large information and data on the interface.

Information Architecture in UX Design Process

Information Architecture creates the path to help users find the information and navigate themselves without difficulty.

How to Build a UX Team from Scratch: A Practical Guide

UX team structures are depended on the product, method, or design process. Building the right UX team is critical for successful product development.

Enterprise Product UX Design: Define and Process

Enterprise product UX design must deal with a large amount of data, requiring a deep understanding of end-users workflow.

Legacy System: Enterprise UX/UI Modernization

UXUI modernization can be a great solution for upgrading enterprise legacy systems without a time-consuming project to rebuild the legacy system.

Interactive Product Demos: Things to Consider Before PLG motion

If your organization is considering PLG (Product-led growth) motion, an interactive product demo is great to start.

Pirate Metrics AARRR Framework for Product-led Strategy

Pirate Metrics are for understanding and evaluating product marketing and product performance.

A Customer-Centric Strategy to Successful Product Strategy

Customer centricity is one of the critical product strategies in the PLG (Product-led-growth) era. A customer-centric approach is to prioritize customers in every decision-making process.